EFCTC welcomes the action by the European Commission to escalate the case against Romania for failing to adopt measures on penalties for breaches in the F-gas Regulation.
“We are seeing significant quantities of illegal HFCs, primarily in banned non-refillable containers entering and being used in the EU. It is essential that Member States adopt effective and dissuasive penalties and enforcement measures to prevent illegal trade in HFCs,” stated Nick Campbell, Chairman of the European Fluorocarbons Technical Committee.
“For example, Italy has recently revised its regulation to bring in new penalties against HFC smuggling and has also made two seizures of HFCs in the last week. We are expecting similar actions from other Member States. This action from the Commission will provide the opportunity for Romania to do the same.”
EFCTC has been encouraging better enforcement of the F-gas Regulation in Member States. It has established an Action Line to allow the reporting of possible illegal trade in HFCs and is working with an Investigation Partner to follow up any reports received.
“Our Partner has followed up on all of more than 200 hundred reports received so far,” said Nick Campbell,
“In response to our requests, Internet market platforms have removed about hundred offers of illegal HFCs.
Our Investigation Partner are working with OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office and national Customs
Enforcement Agencies to follow up the reports and identify the illegal traders. We would encourage anyone
that has information to use our confidential Action Line and report the details."