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Epta participates in the Observatory on retail technology trends 2022

Date: 29 July 2022
Epta participates in the Observatory on retail technology trends 2022
Epta renews the partnership with the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan and participates in the 2022 edition of the Observatory on retail technology trends. The initiative is a reference point for all active players in the sector of Large-Scale Retail Trade.

In particular, the Observatory analyses and presents the most important digital innovations, which are reshaping the world of Large-Scale Retail Trade. The main goal is to support the operators in understanding the dynamics at work and in adopting cutting-edge solutions.

Epta Group and retail technology trends: cutting-edge commercial refrigeration

«A series of events of which Epta, as leader in the refrigeration sector, is proud to be a participant. An opportunity to share knowledge and generate culture on the opportunities that come from digital transformation and its impact on companies and supply chain, raising awareness among the decision makers »,declares Emanuela Di Costa,Digital & Servitization Marketing Manager of the Epta Group.

She continues, affirming: «All this is made possible thanks to the organisation of meetings and dialogue, as well as a communication plan, geared to illustrating the state of the art and future technological evolution».

Refrigeration and technological evolution in retail marketing

Research in retail marketing develops along several lines.

How much is the digital investment of top Italian retailers worth?
What is the level of adoption of digital innovation?
What are the opportunities of frontier technologies such as, for example, the metaverse?
How can the store evolve? What is the level of integration with Digital channels?
What are the backbones omnichannel strategy in the retail sector?
How is the offer of innovative solutions for Retail structured?
What are the new meanings of Customer Experience?

Retail innovation: the upcoming appointments dedicated to the sector

The kick-off happened on 12 April. The start-up workshop dedicated to the “Study of the evolution of the shop from an omnichannel perspective” was held on 15 June.

The next appointment is set for 13 September with “Analysis of Retail service innovation”.

The subsequent meetings will be held on 16 November with “Study of frontier technologies”. On 12 January next, “Comparison of key innovation trends”.

The results will be presented in February, during a public conference.
Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, commercial refrigeration

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