Opening for applications to the 2020 ASHRAE-OzonAction Lower-GWP Innovation Award

Date: 21 May 2020
Opening for applications to the 2020 ASHRAE-OzonAction Lower-GWP Innovation Award

ASHRAE and UNEP OzonAction introduced for the first time an international award program titled “Lower-GWP Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Innovation Award” The award program intends to promote innovative design, research and practice by recognizing people who have developed or implemented innovative technological concepts applied in developing countries to minimize global warming potential (GWP) through refrigeration and air-conditioning management. It supports OzonAction's endeavor in collecting and sharing success stories about new designs and best practices that are feasible for introduction in developing (Article 5) countries within the objectives of the Montreal Protocol.

The 2019 cycle of the award successfully completed by recognizing Five (5) projects where a special side event to announce and acknowledge the winning projects was conducted in the margins of the 31st Meeting of Parties (Rome, Italy – Nov 2019). The 2019 awarded projects covered two different categories –Residential Applications and Commercial/Industrial Applications:

  • Low Charge Ammonia Vapor Compression Refrigeration System implemented in India

  • HFC-161 Application for High Cooling Capacity Household Air Conditioners implemented in China

  • Packaged Chillers with Integrated Air Handling Units Using HFC-32 and HC-290 implemented in Saudi Arabia

  • CO2 Transcritical Refrigeration System for a Hot-and-Humid Region implemented in Thailand

  • Low Charge Propane Chiller for a Supermarket Refrigeration System implemented in Brazil

Entries are now being accepted for the 2020 Lower-GWP Innovation Awards through the ASHRAE-OzonAction portal with a deadline of 1st Sept 2020 for applying. Interested applicants should read carefully the conditions and information posted on the Award page. The award’s selection criteria include:

  • Description of innovation in field of lower-GWP refrigerants.

  • Confirmation project has been implemented in a developing country.

  • Extent of need.

  • Environmental impact achieved including specific reference to the GWP chemicals’ contribution.

  • Description of further application in developing countries from both the technology and economic perspectives, including how the innovation is financially feasible to be replicated.

The process is being managed and supervised by ASHRAE’s Honors and Award Committee and a jury of international experts will evaluate the entries. ASHRAE and UNEP OzonAction will arrange an appropriate recognition to the recognized projects once the process is completed with the understanding that organizing physical events might be difficult in 2020 given the global pandemic situation. ASHRAE and UNEP will also disseminate information to specialists and governments about the recognized projects to share experience and raise awareness about technological solutions feasible for developing countries.

 ASHRAE and UNEP OzonAction are cooperating since 2007 under a framework memorandum of understanding (MOU) initially signed in 2007 and recently updated in 2019. Their cooperation includes a biennium work plan, since 2013, that includes products and services to support OzonAction's clearinghouse mandate and covers the technical needs of Article 5 countries within the objectives of the Montreal Protocol.

Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, CO2

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