The EFCTC (European FluorCarbon Trading Council) has set up a website to report any illegal activities related to refrigerant import and sales activity in Europe. The Integrity Line, operated on EFCTC’s behalf by the EQS Group, promises that anyone will now be able to report suspicious activities easily and if necessary, in confidence. The Integrity Line is collecting information about smuggling activities, mislabelling, counterfeiting, the use or sale of illegal disposable cylinders or other breaches of the F-gas quota system.Those reporting illegal activity will be contacted if additional information is needed. If it is eventually found that no violation has occurred there will be no consequences for the whistleblower. Once a report of an incident has been submitted the person who made the report can view the response or questions after 7 working days and submit further information. Find out more about the Integrityline here.
The website also has information about comment questions relating to reporting incidents.