Secop Compressors – Hot Gas Defrost, Capillary & Charge Determination

Date: 11 January 2019
Secop Compressors – Hot Gas Defrost, Capillary & Charge Determination
Nidec GA Compressors (formerly Secop) offers in-depth knowledge with its latest Product Bulletins:

Variable Speed Compressors – Capillary and Charge Determination
Hot Gas Defrost with Secop Compressors

The capillary tube is generally the counterpart for the compressor. It can be optimized for only one working condition. So it has to be determined for the appliance working conditions and fit to the compressor size.

Once the capillary tube has been designed, the refrigerant charge has to be determined.
Hot gas defrost is used in various kinds of cooling cabinets (e.g. commercial freezers, ice cube makers, etc.) to remove ice from evaporator surfaces.
Find out more on our website about: Secop, evaporator

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