The New Generation Of Carel Digital Services

Date: 27 May 2021
The New Generation Of Carel Digital Services
CAREL announces the launch of RED optimise, the new generation of digital services designed to improve quality and efficiency in the management of various technologies in retail, industrial, logistics and commercial applications. The platform is innovative in terms of content, technology and interface, making it the ideal solution for controlling systems and cutting operating costs: the main benefits are optimised energy consumption, lower maintenance costs, improved product storage quality and indoor comfort.

RED optimise is a web portal for centralised management of multiple sites, bringing together and processing data from every installed system and unit so as to provide valuable information through intuitive dashboards, advanced algorithms and clear messages, as well as suggestions on possible optimisations. The level of digitalisation and connectivity now available in systems thanks to the new CAREL monitoring solutions allows data to be acquired from different installed technologies. The new RED optimise portal in fact makes it possible to effectively use these data, providing the information in a usable and easily comparable way. Lighting, air conditioning and heating systems, refrigeration circuits, compressor racks, electrical panels and energy meters are all technologies manufactured in different parts of the world and installed by different technical personnel, each with different procedures, habits and experience: for these reasons, the systems installed on any given site are extremely may vary greatly in terms of configuration and performance. Regardless of who the unit was manufactured by or the technology used, CAREL ensures that the necessary information is always available. RED optimise makes it possible to centralise information, processing the necessary data so that these are readily available and easily usable to identify possible problems or declines in performance and then promptly restore optimal conditions.

RED optimise sorts and analyses the information based on geolocation, so as to offer a simple and intuitive overview of the managed systems. In this way, in just a few simple steps, all the data from all of the local supervisors can be compared to identify and analyse both problems to be solved and efficient configurations that can be replicated in the other systems, down to the single device level. Indeed through the application of artificial intelligence to transform basic data into valuable information, chains of stores, logistics centres and manufacturers can exploit RED optimise to improve its processes and the quality of their work, through specific reports and analyses. 
Finally, the security of the RED optimise infrastructure guarantees protection of information through data encryption, the use of protocols that comply with security standards and periodical audits conducted by CAREL and its partners.

“With RED optimise, CAREL supports its customers in optimising all system management processes and achieving their sustainability targets. Recognition of critical patterns and identification of improvement actions are tasks for a small number of experts when starting from raw data, and require significant commitment in terms of resources and costs”, commented Gabriele Putzolu, IoT Service Business Development Manager. “We therefore aim to provide the expertise and technologies needed to make managing so much complexity simple. CAREL’s many years of experience, acquired together with all of our customers through the development of the best solutions for each application, thermodynamic expertise in laboratory analyses, and modern data mining and machine learning technologies, make RED optimise the perfect tool for optimising and enhancing their work, providing information in a practical and easily-understandable way”. 
Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, air conditioning

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