The new updated OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator Application

Date: 09 May 2020
The new updated OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator Application
The new updated OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator Application

“Quickly, efficiently and accurately convert between values in metric tonnes, ODP tonnes and CO2-equivalent tonnes”

Data are extremely important for the Montreal Protocol community, and the data reporting formats for both A7 and CP* have changed recently, to a large degree triggered by the Kigali Amendment. HFCs, blends, CO2-equivalent values, etc., now have to be addressed much more frequently by Ozone Officers during their daily work. Sometimes the terminology and values are complex and can be confusing, and it helps to have all the official facts and figures in one place. Conversion formulas need to be applied to calculate CO2-eq values from both ozone depleting potential (ODP) and metric tonne values. This free app from OzonAction is a practical tool for Ozone Officers to help demystify some of this process and put frequently-needed information at their fingertips.

The new and updated UNEP OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator application will help you to convert between values in metric tonnes, ODP tonnes and CO2-equivalent tonnes of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and their alternatives. This application, available at no cost, is particularly useful for National Ozone Officers to assist with understanding and calculating quantities of controlled substances, both pure substances and mixtures, for quota assignment, reporting requirements, etc. Other stakeholders interested in ODP and global warming potential (GWP values of controlled substances and their alternatives will also find this tool useful.

The updated GWP-ODP Calculator application now includes a new Kigali Amendment mode, in this mode the GWP values provided are those specified in the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, i.e. GWP values are only assigned to controlled HFCs. In this mode the GWP values used to calculate the refrigerant blends/mixtures only include GWP contributions from components that are controlled HFCs. The user can effortlessly switch between the Kigali and ‘normal’ modes.

Using the application:

Smartphone Application: Just search for “GWP-ODP Calculator” or UNEP in the Google Play store – free to download!

If you already have the application installed on your device, be sure to update to benefit from the new features.

Desktop Application: GWP-ODP Calculator is also available online on the OzonAction website at:

Watch the new short introductory tutorial video on the GWP-ODP Calculator - available now on YouTube:

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