The Second International Stakeholders Workshop on the Refrigeration Servicing Sector

Date: 22 July 2018
The Second International Stakeholders Workshop on the Refrigeration Servicing Sector (RSS), was held in Paris, France from 17 to18 July 2018. The workshop, organised by UN Environment’s OzonAction, has brought together international refrigeration and air-conditioning associations and experts, delegates from the Multilateral Fund, Bilateral and Implementing Agencies, , including officials from UN Environment’s OzonAction regional offices. With the Kigali Amendment entering into force in a few months, the interlinkage of commitments will affect business and projects being offered to the servicing sector in all Article 5 countries. Therefore, with combined expertise and remits, participants at this workshop, will join forces and efforts to explore options towards Streamlining Support and Services to the RSS, with the aim of conveying unified messages that can lead to Changing the Mindset of the RSS.’ The workshop seeked opportunities for collaboration amongst international stakeholders and will address the five tracks as follows:
  • Considerations and emerging issues of RSS;
  • Training programmes and resources;
  • Certification and qualification;
  • Enhance refrigerant management practices;
  • Empowering local associations in Article 5 countries.
This workshop iwas a follow up to the 2016 first International Stakeholder workshop on Refrigeration Servicing Sector, which focused on the training needs for the RSS and discussed roadmap for addressing gaps and mobilizing potential capacities amongst all stakeholders to upscale training tools and services.
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