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UNEP OzonAction launches a new desktop application to assist with HCFC licences and quotas

Date: 16 September 2020
UNEP OzonAction launches a new desktop application to assist with HCFC licences and quotas

National Ozone Officers have the great responsibility of managing the allocation and monitoring of quotas for substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol. This process can be complex with many importers, especially if the country imports a range of different hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and mixtures containing HCFCs. To address this challenge, OzonAction developed a new desktop application that helps Ozone Officers with the tasks of planning, calculating, monitoring and managing consumption quotas and licences. It can be used on a daily basis to track and manage the current year's quota allocations for different importers, or for future planning by trying different scenarios that adjust the type of substances imported, their quantity, or the number of importers. The HCFC Quota and Licence Tracker allows Ozone Officers to see the effect of such scenarios on the national HCFC consumption and helps ensure that the quotas stay within agreed HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) targets. For countries that have ratified the Kigali Amendment, in the future OzonAction will extend the tracker to include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) once countries begin designing their quota systems for those controlled substances.

To access the tools:

Click HERE to access the HCFC Quota tracker app

Click HERE to see the short video tutorial on the OzonAction YouTube Channel

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