Following the launch of its next generation R-32 multi-scroll chiller series earlier this year, Daikin has announced further enhancements with the introduction of innovative free cooling migration options for its EWAT-B range with modular V layout.
Achieving substantial energy savings, the new free cooling capability can deliver between 25% to 75% of cooling demand, depending on the option chosen, with an improvement in seasonal efficiency of up to 97%.
Unique to the chillers market, R-32 is also the only refrigerant able to allow the migration to free cooling without the need for additional pumps or other add-on devices and does not require the addition of glycol, unlike standard water free cooling technologies, where its use is mandatory.
Bluevolution air-cooled chillers are the first to use the environmentally friendly refrigerant R-32, with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of just one third that of the commonly used R-410A alternative. Together with the higher energy efficiency offered, the new chiller series is fully customizable, minimising running costs through advanced connectivity and system optimisation.
Another world first, Daikin free cooling enables building systems to switch from mechanical cooling and take advantage of prevailing outdoor temperatures to meet cooling demands for air or water naturally, significantly reducing power consumption.
Migration-free cooling, or the free circulation of refrigerant within the unit’s circuit, is achieved through the difference in ambient temperature and the leaving water temperature of the evaporator. As the temperature and pressure in the evaporator increases, the refrigerant gas is propelled to the coil, where it condenses and returns to the evaporator, maintaining a constant flow.
The new refrigerant migration system is available in two options, with specification depending on the height and temperature differential of the refrigerant between the condenser and evaporator, which affect the effectiveness of the process.
Free Cooling – Light
Free Cooling – Full
Both the Light and Full options allow natural migration from the evaporator to condenser, by-passing the mechanically-driven compressors and expansion valve. The advanced heat exchanger design eliminates the need for additional devices without affecting water pressure drops.
Connection and installation remains standard with the Light option, which can deliver up to 25% of nominal cooling capacity for the unit. Foot print is not affected and as an added advantage there is no legal requirement to add glycol.
The full refrigerant migration system operates on the same principles with all the benefits of the Light version but incorporates an additional flood evaporator per circuit. This works in parallel to the standard heat exchanger, improving performance by enhancing the height and reducing the approach between water and the refrigerant. The full migration refrigerant system is also available with hydronic connection to the plant.
As with the Light option, no additional devices are required, however, a slightly modified layout is required to accommodate additional plant connections - four connections for a single unit and six for twin circuit units. The cooling capacity of the Full system is extended to provide up to 75% of the standard unit’s nominal cooling capacity, making it an economical solution for cooling in larger buildings.
The latest in a series of innovations from Daikin’s development team, designed to deliver environmentally-friendly, class leading solutions to improve lifetime building energy performance, the new natural migration Free Cooling delivers 19% more efficiency than other models available.
With the new European Buildings Performance Directive (EPBD) set to come into law by the end of this year, free cooling can future-proof buildings and help to meet the requirements set by the EPBD for nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) by the end of 2020 (2018 for public buildings).
Launched in November 2018, the new Free Cooling systems are now available, with delivery scheduled for early 2019.