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Güntner launches new air cooler

Date: 16 September 2021
Güntner launches new air cooler
Originating from Güntner’s customer-collaboration platform Vordenkerprojekt (‘pioneer proje ct’), the Process Air Cooler is tailored to the cooling requirements in food processing rooms, industrial kitchens and other labour-intensive environments.

The ceiling-mounted Process Air Cooler is designed to meet specifications provided by customers in joint sessions with Güntner. These include comfortable air velocity and noise levels, easy cleaning and maintenance as well as an efficient design both in terms of hygiene and technical capabilities. The result is Güntner’s most advanced Process Air Cooler yet.

Looking at the Process Air Cooler from the outside, it is obvious right away this is no ordinary Güntner: As the first product that follows the brand’s new design philosophy, it boasts the updated Güntner logo on an elaborate fan cover as well as a round-edged tray. Aesthetics aside, the clean, monolithic design has functional benefits as well, with all wiring inside integrated terminal and GFDM boxes that can be accessed conveniently from the outside.

Even more important than the fitter’s comfort is that of the staff working next to the Process Air Cooler on a daily basis. This is why it was optimised for low draught, with hardly noticeable air velocities to be expected in working areas. Furthermore, the Process Air Cooler uses latest generation, highly energy-efficient EC fans that are up to 6 dB quieter than conventional ones. Less draught means less stiff muscles for workers, while low noise levels are essential for a stress-free environment.

Apart from operating almost imperceptibly, the Process Air Cooler’s ventilation system offers another advantage: It discharges the cooled air sideways, which makes it possible to mount the unit flush against the ceiling. Hence, no dirt can accumulate in the intermediate space. Rounded corners have a similar effect in the thermally decoupled – and thus condensation-free – tray. Any dirt that does accumulate can easily be cleaned away using a lance, as all inside components including the heat exchanger coils are conveniently accessible.

Defrost heaters or, for additional hygiene, UV-C lights to eliminate pathogens (including SARS-CoV-2) are available as accessories. The Güntner Process Air Cooler has been certified according to HACCP criteria by Germany’s TÜV Süd and will be available for purchase from August 2021.

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