New Data Manager Software v3.0 from RDM

Date: 05 October 2018
New Data Manager Software v3.0 is set for a 2019 release and will be biggest development in many years. The Data Manager, or DMTouch, will build on its position as the ultimate gateway for interfacing with a number of standard and proprietary HVACR and BEMS devices through exciting new additions.

New demand-driven functions and features, including The ability to digitally sign exported documents Specific identification in the syslog of who made changes, should more than one person be connected Additional 3rd party protocols User-definable dashboard home screen The ability to mark device items using a watch selection feature, enabling easier system diagnosis A separate refrigeration or HVAC build Simple set-up wizard New improved graphing Add device on notepad for easier maintenance reporting Improved export log functions
Find out more on our website about: HVAC, refrigeration

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