Secop Condensing Units for AC Voltage at 60 Hz

Nidec GA Compressors has a long tradition of delivering outstanding condensing units for AC voltage. Formerly known as Danfoss Compressor GmbH, Nidec GA Compressors has been the mastermind behind several award-winning products. After a break of a few years we are now back with a range of condensing units that provide the same standard-setting innovation as our Secop hermetic compressors. Combining efficiency and reliability as well as easy installation and maintenance, they offer valuable savings no matter the application or operating conditions. The Secop condensing units are, of course, designed to comply with the global energy regulations and are now available for 115 V / 60 Hz and 208-230 V / 60 Hz supply voltage too. Our condensing units are UL-approved and come with a pre-assembled power cord. Read More
Find out more on our website about: Secop, Danfoss

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