In coordination with many supporting associations and companies worldwide, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is launching a Call to Action for World Refrigeration Day.
Inaugurated in 2019, the second World Refrigeration Day is set to take place on June 26 this year.
In support of this special day, and with the aim of raising awareness and boosting accessibility of the refrigeration sector from the grassroots up on an international level, the IIR is calling to all stakeholders to actively help bring the refrigeration sector to the public eye by organising initiatives in their national markets.
Following the success of the first edition, and in line with the actions of the IIR, ASHRAE, EPEE and UN Enivronment are joining the IIR to organise a multilateral campaign under the theme “Cold Chain 4 Life”.
Why a World Refrigeration Day?
With increasing global stakes at hand, over the past years refrigeration has come to take a leading role at the heart of international affairs.
As highlighted by the Rome Declaration focused on developing sustainable cold chain management across the globe at the MOP31 and the UN meetings last year, the refrigeration sector was in the spotlight almost for the first time. In this regard, we can mention Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations:
“Implementation of the Kigali Amendment will be front and centre for climate action. We need all countries to develop national cooling action plans to deliver efficient and sustainable cooling and bring essential life‑preserving services like vaccines and safe food to all people. We are calling for concrete and enhanced actions from industry. The leadership of global leading companies is essential to realize the vision into reality.”
Celebrated on the birthday of the pioneer at the origin of the international unit of temperature, Lord Kelvin (Sir William Thomson, born 26 June 1824), World Refrigeration Day is not only be an ideal way to recognise the many historical achievements of the industry, but also the hallmark to say “Everyone’s included!”
Whatever your idea, whether big or small, tell the IIR!
As the only independent, intergovernmental organisation in the field of refrigeration, the IIR will create and promote a directory of all the different activities that will be organised worldwide in support of this day, with our partners.
Send your proposals to the IIR, preferably by May 20, to iif-iir@iifiir.org with the subject “Call to Action: World Refrigeration Day”.
Proposals should include a brief description of the activity, location, time of the event and contact information.
World Refrigeration Day 2019
From Mexico, to Burkina Faso, to Australia, the world’s first Refrigeration Day was inaugurated on June 26, 2019 and attracted overwhelming interest from international associations, companies and professionals in the field of refrigeration.
Take a look at some of the initiatives organised worldwide to celebrate the first World Refrigeration Day: VIEW THE 2019 INITIATIVES
For more information on World Refrigeration Day, visit https://worldrefrigerationday.org/.