Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia presents a robust B2B Platform and opens as The Largest Refrigeration and Climate Control Exhibition in Indonesia, focusing on three combined sectors – HVACR Technology, Power and Renewable Energy, as well as Food Cold Chain Technology.
Build upon the success of International Indonesia Seafood and Meat (IISM), Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia aims to bring the most advanced technology for HVACR Industry under one mega-business roof.
Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia will generate strong figures in sales and be a trusted source of development for various industrial sector. Organized by PT. Pelita Promo Internusa, the exhibition will definitely connect people with innovative and high-technology products.
Indonesia’s biggest one-stop exhibition for the refrigeration and temperature-control sector, Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia (RHVAC) 2019 will present a wide range of beSt-in-class technologies to help industries and the commercial businesses cope with their needs.
The exhibition drives Indonesia's industries to achieve sustainable business performance and their energy and cost efficiency targets through high quality and smart technological implementation.
In 2019, Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia focuses on bringing the right technologies applicable for the building and commercial industries. From factories, hotels to supermarkets and restaurants, each sector has different requirements for their refrigeration and other energy related needs. As such, the exhibition will provide a wide showcase covering the full value chain in refrigeration technology.