Annual Meeting Awards Highlights 2019: REHVA awards our fellows and supporters

Date: 10 June 2019
Annual Meeting Awards Highlights 2019: REHVA awards our fellows and supporters
Annual Meeting Awards Highlights 2019: REHVA awards our fellows and supporters
Annual Meeting Awards Highlights 2019: REHVA awards our fellows and supporters
During the Annual Meeting awards 2019, REHVA had granted two new fellow awards inbrecognition of their significant contributions to REHVA, the board, the committees and to the task forces. The two new fellows whom were granted this special award were Juan Travesi from Spain and Serafin Grana from Portugal. REHVA would like to congratulate the two new fellows for their precious time and hard work.

Furthermore, two of REHVA’s supporters were proud to receive trophies. REHVA congratulated Halton for its 50th anniversary and expressed its “heartfelt gratitude to Halton for being a true REHVA supporter for almost fifteen years”. Eurovent Certita Certification also received an award as REHVA expressed its heartfelt gratitude to Eurovent Certita Certification for being a true REHVA supporter for almost fifteen years. REHVA sincerely looks forward to continuing their strong collaboration with both organisations.
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