Results of IOR Trustee elections

Date: 14 November 2018
At the IOR’s Annual General Meeting on the 8th November the result of the election of trustees were announced. The two new members joining the Board of Trustees are

Jacinta Caden MInstR
Graeme Fox FInstR
The additional candidates who didn’t get through this time are being encouraged to join an IOR committee and working groups where they will still be able to make a valuable contribution. There was a good level of participation in the on line election with 27% of eligible members taking part. Thanks to all who voted and all who stood this time round. The next election of trustees will open in August 2019.

At the AGM Steve Gill also handed over the role of President to Kevin Glass. Kevin will hold this position for two years. Chris Vallis also came to the end of his term as a Trustee at this AGM.

The full list of IOR Trustee Board members is as follows

President – Kevin Glass FInstR
Immediate Past President – Steve Gill FInstR
Treasurer – Nick Rivers MInstR
Elected to serve until 2019 – David Bostock FInstR and Mike Nankivell FInstR
Elected to serve until 2020 – Rob Lamb FInstR and John Austin-Davies FInstR
Newly elected to serve until 2021 – Jacinta Caden MInstR and Graeme Fox FInstR

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