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Clivet presented new water cooled liquid chiller

Date: 05 July 2021
Clivet presented new water cooled liquid chiller

The new water-cooled liquid chiller SCREWLine4 (WDH-SB4) is available with screw compressors, and R-134a refrigerant for cooling tower and dry cooler applications.

SCREWLine4 has a range from 573 kW up to 1500 kW and is the solution for centralized refrigeration thanks to its excellent performances and the double refrigerant circuit that guarantees continuity of operation.

Further strengths

  • Already complies with 2021 requirements
    WDH-SB4 is conforming with the 2021 of the Commission Regulation 2281:2016, for application with source type: Cooling towers ad Dry Coolers.
  • Three operation versions:
    - OCO: Cooling only version (standard)
    - OHI: Water circuit change-over version
    - OHO: Heating only version, with high water temperature +65°C
  • Two acoustic versions:
    - Standard acoustic version (ST)
    - Super-silenced acoustic version (EN) is up to 4 dB(A) quieter
  • Condensation heat recovery:
    - Partial energy recovery, that recovers about 6% of available condensation heat
    - Total energy recovery, which recovers 100% of available condensation heat
  • Wide operating range.
    Wide range up to +56°C of source water temperature for OCO and OHI versions and +65°C for OHO version. It’s able to supply chilled water down to -8°C with the option Low water temperature (Brine).
  • Perfect for LEED                                                                                                                    
    Sizes from 220.2 to 500.2 satisfy prerequisites 2 and 3 of the Energy and Environment thematic area. Furthermore, they match the parameters of Credit 4 that allow achieving 2 points (Leed 2009). The correlated data are included in the technical bulletin.
Find out more on our website about: chiller, refrigeration

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