Dearman Zero Emission Transport Refrigeration Unit

Date: 18 November 2018
The Dearman Transport Refrigeration Unit is the first to meet all environmental challenges – and set new industry performance standards – all without having to compromise on cost. Powered by the revolutionary Dearman engine, and fuelled by liquid nitrogen (LiN), the system is low carbon, zero-emission, quiet, efficient and cost-effective.

What’s more, it outperforms conventional diesel units in cooling power, speed and accuracy.Where other TRU technologies pose tough choices between competing priorities, the Dearman TRU enables companies to enhance their sustainability by addressing these challenges to improve operational flexibility and in some cases to save money.

Zero emissions
The Dearman TRU displaces diesel with liquid nitrogen. This means it reduces lifecycle CO2 emissions typically by 30% – 85%, and potentially by 96% (depending on carbon intensity of electricity used for LiN production: 30% to 85% for average country grid electricity; 96% is for renewable electricity).

The Dearman TRU eliminates Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM), the emissions of which from a diesel TRU are many times higher than those of a Euro VI truck propulsion engine. As a result, replacing a diesel TRU with a Dearman system could reduce the truck’s total engine emissions by more than 70% for NOx and more than 90% for PM. Since the Dearman TRU is zero-emission, it would qualify to operate in cities planning to regulate the use of diesel.

Dearman analysts estimate that if the 1 million – strong EU TRU fleet were replaced with zero-emission alternatives, it would equate to taking 50 million Euro VI diesel cars off the road.
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