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Piping Systems for Sub- and Transcritical Systems by SANHA

Date: 25 June 2018
Sanha offers two different piping systems for cooling and refrigeration which cover all requirements in the sub-critical and transcritical area: The NiroTherm stainless steel press system for glycol applications and the RefHP high-pressure brazed fittings for CO2 cooling systems.
The NiroTherm pipe system consists of press fittings and matching system pipes made of low-alloy stainless steel. It is characterised by its high resistance to corrosion. The system is increasingly being used for cooling systems with glycol in supermarkets, for example, and replaces conventional (pre-insulated) carbon steel. Since the pre-insulation only affects the pipe, the fittings themselves must be insulated on site. There is always a risk of gap formation and subsequent moisture ingress between the insulations.This is not necessary for installations made of NiroTherm and an installation can be completed much faster and safer. The press system is also ideally suited for all areas where condensation forms and there is therefore a risk of corrosion.
The Essen-based company has integrated two series into its press fitting product portfolio: The 91000 series for heating, cooling and oil-free compressed air with black EPDM seal is suitable for the temperature range from -30 to +120 °C. The 98000 series “NiroTherm Industry” with a heat-resistant FKM sealing ring is used between -20 and +200 °C. Both can withstand pressures of up to 16 bar. High pressure applications in the transcritical area Refrigerants such as CO2 (R744), which meet the requirements for better environmental protection, require higher operating pressures. Sanha offers the 29000 RefHP series as a solution for precisely this challenge. The pipe and fittings are made of copper-iron material CuFe2P. The material is particularly stable: fittings and pipes withstand high pressures of up to 130 bar. As operating temperature Sanha indicates -196 °C to +150 °C. Consistent production processes and particularly high tolerance accuracy guarantee both the quality and the safety of the entire piping system. The connection of pipe and fitting by capillary soldering has been established on the market for years, especially in refrigeration systems. It is simple and cost-effective, as no welding specialists are required. The RefHP series meets all requirements of VdTÜV material sheet 567 and AD-2000 leaflet 6/2 and has various international approvals.

Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, R744, RefHP, CO2

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