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Refrigerant Management Canada, annual meeting


Workshop: “R22 Refrigerant System Conversions – Are We Ready?”

Date: Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Event will be held at: Four Points by Sheraton Toronto Airport


to learn and discuss the challenges and changes with refrigerant conversions. In this workshop, contractors in the residential and light commercial refrigerant sectors will learn how to identify the right conditions when carrying out refrigerant conversions from R-22 to the latest array of refrigerants on the market today. Nick Reggi, instructor with HRAI’s SkillTech Academy & retired Humber College Professor, will guide attendees on a series of questions to ask to understand the environmental, liability, efficiency and capacity issues associated with safe refrigerant conversions. All attendees will be given a guide that will assist them on working through the list of requirements when identifying the right conditions for refrigerant conversions. Nick is a member of the Board of Directors for RSES Canada and International and also sits on the RSES Examining & Education Board.

Source: <a href="" target="_blank">HRAI</a>

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