The Güntner Product Calculator turns 20 years old

Date: 21 March 2019
The Güntner Product Calculator turns 20 years old
The Güntner Product Calculator (GPC), well-proven and indispensable in the workplace, has set standards in the industry. For more than 20 years, this software has been the tool of choice when it comes to quickly and easily designing a heat exchanger.

Design based on thermodynamic calculations

From the very beginning, the GPC has operated using thermodynamic calculations to guarantee the correct configuration. In addition, actual thermophysical characteristics are used to identify the heat transfer values for all sub-processes to calculate pressure drops in the pipe, to determine air outlet temperatures and, if necessary, also dehydration. As a result, it has been (and still is) guaranteed that the promised capacity is provided, even in “exceptional” conditions.

50 fluids and numerous application benefits

Aside from the time saving aspect, other advantages have come into play right from the beginning: it is possible to simulate different scenarios such as variable performance requirements, and errors are avoided because the calculation draws on actual thermophysical characteristics. Individual components are automatically aligned, and systems are configured with economic efficiency accordingly. More than 50 fluids in over 100 product series are available today. Offers can be drawn up in 16 languages, depicting current prices and delivery times.

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