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47th International Congress and Exhibition HVAC&R


The congress programme and exhibition are dedicated to HVAC&R profession and a series of professions that are inseparably connected in the design, construction, reconstruction, energy improvement, operation and maintenance of buildings with all technical systems, including lighting, electric power supply, water supply and sewerage, fire protection, energy efficiency management and all automation subsystems, management of building performance dynamics by a smart grid based on modeling predictive control, and entirely integrated management of energy supply and production of EnergyPlus buildings and delivering electric power to the electricity grid, including professionals in mechanical engineering, spatial and urban planning, architecture, civil engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, hydrogeology and hydrometeorology, environmental science, economics, security study, protection of natural and cultural resources as well as IC technologies.

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<strong>Serbian HVAC&R Society</strong>
within the Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical
Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS),
Kneza Miloša str. 7a/II,
11000 Belgrade,
tel. 381 11 323 00 41,

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