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AGROPRODMASH – number 1 exhibition for the food processing industry in Russia. It is considered to be the largest industry exhibition of achievements in the food and processing industry in Russia and Eastern Europe.

 Look pictures from AGROPRODMASH 2017. The high authority of the forum is confirmed by the participation of world industry leaders from 36 countries, like Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, France, Denmark, Belgium, USA, Austria, Spain, China and major Russian food companies in this prestige show. Since the first edition of Agroprodmash in 1996, its exposition space has more than tripled, the number of exhibiting companies has increased more than twice.  

There are Refrigeration Salon is devoted to:

  • Industrial refrigeration equipment;
  • Refrigeration parts and units;
  • Compressors;
  • Insulation;
  • Air conditioning and ventilation;
  • Heat pumps;
  • Automation;
  • Services for the refrigeration & air conditioning industry.
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